Cloth Diapers

The Basics
*If you plan to cloth diaper (CD) your baby full time, you will need approximately 24 cloth diapers. This should allow you plenty of diapers for 2 days. I order all of our diapers from here. We have a mix of different brands and styles and have favorites for overnight, fit, etc. I highly recommend getting a few different styles and brands in case you prefer one over the other. 
*You will want to do laundry about every other day regardless of how many diapers are in your stash. The stink factor escalates the longer the dirties sit in the pail.
*Cloth diapers require special laundry detergent to preserve the integrity of the diaper and leak-proof material.  Here is a list of acceptable detergents. (We use Allen's Naturally and love it). 
*Cloth diapers are really bulky on tiny babies. This is normal, but be ready for some 'junk in the trunk' jokes from folks not used to the extra bulk in the booty area. 
*Click here for a detailed reference guide for every other possible cloth diapering question/need you might encounter.

What You Will Need
*Diapers! 24 should be plenty to full-time CD 1 baby.
*Diaper pail. You need a container with a lid to store the dirties. We have this one.
*Wet bag. You need something to store the dirties in when you are out and about. We have these.
*Detergent. I love Allen's Naturally.

Before you use CDs on a baby
*Wash on hot cycle at least 3x with no detergent (wash, dry, wash, dry, wash, dry).
*Rinse on cold cycle.
*Add detergent and wash on hot cycle. (If using HE machines, use half the recommended amount). 
*Diapers are ready to be used.
Washing Dirty CDs For Breast Milk/Formula Only Babies (Before Solids)
*Knock off any solid poo into toilet (breast milk poo can go directly into the washer, formula poo needs to be rinsed off).
*Place dirty CDs in washer.
*Rinse on cold cycle.
*Add detergent and wash on hot cycle. (If using HE machines, use half the recommended amount). 
*If your CDs smell or are leaking after washing them, strip them (I do this once a month).
*Place dirty CDs in washer.
*Rinse on cold cycle.
*Add detergent and wash on hot cycle. (If using HE machines, use half the recommended amount). 
*Place the outer shell of the diaper in dryer (don’t dry yet) and leave the inserts ONLY in the washer.
*Add bleach to the washer.
*Wash on hot cycle (without detergent, just bleach and hot water).
*Rinse on hot cycle one more time.
*Place liners in the dryer with covers and dry.
*Wash diapers regularly.
*After they are clean, add a stripping agent to your washing machine (if using HE machines, sprinkle it directly on the diapers inside the barrel).
*Rinse until suds are gone.

Washing solid poo CDs
*When you start feeding your baby solids, the poo cannot go in the washer.
*Dump solid poo into toilet.
*Use diaper sprayer if needed.
*Place dirty CDs in washer.
*Rinse on cold cycle.
*Add detergent and wash on hot cycle. (If using HE machines, use half the recommended amount). 

*If you are experiencing leakage with your CDs, you may need to strip them (see above). There are several methods for doing this, but I have found that washing the liners only in a hot bleach wash works the best and is the easiest. 
*You may need to double stuff your diapers or get thicker liners. We double stuff at night to ensure dry jammies in the morning. Once Beatrice turned 12 months, she started peeing in higher volumes so double stuffing at night and using thicker liners during the day has helped minimize the leaks. 
*If your newborn's diapers are leaking, they may be too big. You want to make sure there are no gaps in the legs. A snug CD is a proper fitting CD.